Saturday saw Pauline and I at the Brisbane Bike Show with the hope that we could buy some accessories for our rides. When we turned up around 12.30 at the RNA Show Ground there was a horrific line up that went down the street and round the corner past the Tivoli. This might have been ok if the line was moving and it wasn’t 35 degrees, but we weren’t going to wait like everyone else so we pissed off down the pub to the Breaky Creek Hotel. Bangers, mash and an 1824 aged steak later we decided to head back to a line that had only about 7 people waiting.

Downstairs had all the retailers selling off their jackets, helmets and autocom systems. Pauline was trying to find a dark visor for her new AGV full face helmet while I was primarily interested in paint jobs. No luck for either of us downstairs but upstairs were the sweet custom rides. I was happy drooling over the neon lights and Queensland Motorcycle Panel and Paint jobs but Pauline had jack of it by the time I was ready to look at the competition bikes so she headed off to get some water while I took photos of the choppers. My favourite was probably the green 70s style dragster type but I’ve got a disturbing affection for the Judge bike even though it’s busy. They are the bottom two bikes in the photo set below. The roman chariot tractor was a pretty impressive piece of art too.

I’ve come away with some ideas for my Vespa paint job and Pauline came away grumpy and dehydrated. It certainly wasn’t worth $18 each but sod it, I saw some nice bikes.



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